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Dienstag, 14. Mai 2013

direct Letter of Thanks

Blueghost Wildmist:
"...well every one loved it and we  just bought grey castle thang for a nice build"

Coco Cypress:
"i just have to tell u what a wonderful builder u r
really amazing, ohh my god  ur a master builder"

Antonetta McAuley:
"ich möchte mich mal ganz nett für deine bauen bedanken ,,, kleines castle von dir gekauft und gfalle mir sehr.... (kleines lob)
alle  kaufen nur und nie sagt wer danke, ich bin so ;=)... je 1x gekauft, SMALL ROUND VAMPIE CASTLE 2 und SMALL SKY CASTLE      LG"

Angelita Pierterson:
"Hello, just wanted to say I love your work.. and i was wondering if you took requests/suggestions on what to do next? ....thanks for the great stuff at greatprices"

Cordial thanks ;)
Hype Turbo